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Protection Works

Section 97 of the Victorian Building Act

Requires that the expenses be paid by the owner of the site where the works are proposed. In some circumstances compensation may also be payable. The relevant sections of the Building Act are reprinted below:

“97 Expenses of adjoining owner
(1) The owner must pay to the adjoining owner all costs and expenses necessarily incurred by the adjoining owner in assessing proposed protection work and in supervising the carrying out of protection work in respect of the adjoining property and–
(a) agreed between the adjoining owner and the owner; or
(b) in the absence of an agreement, determined by the Building Appeals Board under Part 10.
(2) The costs and expenses of an adjoining owner which are agreed or determined may be recovered in a court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the adjoining owner.
98 Compensation
An owner must compensate any adjoining owner or adjoining occupier for inconvenience, loss or damage suffered by the adjoining owner or adjoining occupier in connection with the carrying out of protection work under this Part.”